Tuesday, 30 November 2010

inkdot.... Tonic prints

The Inkdot posters for the new "Tonic" show have been printed, collected, and are as we speak being framed up ready for the opening night on Thursday. The private view is at Colston Hall on Thursday from 6pm

If you want to see the prints in all their glory you'll have to drop by yourself, 
the show is on from 2nd Dec until 2nd Jan
They're available in various different sizes and make perfect xmas presents.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Mark Ward edition for Rude Chalets

We've just Finished a Series of prints produced for the artist Mark Ward on behalf of Rude Chalets.    
The prints have gone onto 315gsm high white smooth and are limited to an edition of 15 of each print. 

Unfortunately you can only get them if you go snowboarding and stay at a Rude Chalet.... 

That said if you are staying at a Rude Chalet on your boarding trip this season your a very lucky person.....

Monday, 8 November 2010

Helena Karley..

New works in progress by Helena Karley.. A1's on news print produced by hello blue ready to be embossed and screen printed by Helena. We look forward to seeing the finished results.....